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Mission Statement

Campus leadership will facilitate and maintain a safe and secure campus environment conducive to teaching and learning. This will be evidenced through effective systems and operational fidelity. Campus Leadership will exhibit a commitment to the development of teachers and staff by facilitating the enrichment of staff members regularly.  Leadership will set goals and create a unique vision for the campus community, which is in the best interest of all stakeholders, specifically the students served at Greenville Park Leadership Academy.

Teachers and staff will work collaboratively with the school community to attain common goals. This will be evidenced through consistent professional learning community involvement and collective efforts that drive student achievement.

Students will come to school ready to learn and lead as evidenced by appropriate dress, positive attitudes, required supplies, and completed homework. Students will exhibit a commitment to personal growth, academic achievement, and positive behavior.


Vision Statement

The vision of Greenville Park Leadership Academy is to ensure that all those who enter leave with the skills and knowledge needed to successfully enter high school without remediation.